How to choose the right pet for you

Ania Wlodarczyk @ 2019-08-02 17:31:13 +0100

Naturally, the thought of inviting a new pet into your home brings feelings of excitement, joy and bundles of fluffy cuddles. Pets need lots of love, care and attention. So you need to establish what type of pet will best suit the needs of you, and your family's lifestyle before purchasing. Jurassic Bark has put together some top tips from across the internet to help you decide what type of pet you might like to become an owner to.


Having a pet comes with a lot of responsibility. Although we'd love to tell you owning a pet is all sunshine and rainbows; unfortunately, that's not always the case. So it's good to be prepared and clued about all the pros and cons of each animal to help you decide whether they'll be a good fit for you.


 Whether you're debating over a horse, dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig or fish, give this blog post a read for some quality advice. Oh, remember, Jurassic Bark sell pet supplies for animals of all shapes and sizes, so make sure you pop into store or online when you have your pet!



There are several fun quizzes online that you can take, which tells you what pet you're best suited to dependent on the answers you give. Although this can be amusing, we advise you don't leave it up to an online quiz to decide your fate on what pet you should choose.


Blue Cross recommends some critical factors to consider when choosing which pet to buy. First up, think about your lifestyle. A dog needs a lot of attention, so if you work full-time, you need to find a way of taking care of them during the day. Hiring a dog walker or looking into dog-day care centres are a great solution. Alternatively, if you're able to pop home on your lunch break to feed and walk your pup, this is a good option. If you're thinking of introducing a cat into your life, make sure you have plenty of safe, outside space for them to roam.  As coming home to a clawed armchair because your cat has been cooped up all day isn't ideal.  


 It is also key to research factors such as; the size, temperament, exercise requirements, lifespan and health predispositions of different pets and breeds. Once you know all this information, you'll be able to decide whether the pet is the right choice for you, emphasises Blue Cross.



But it's not just lifestyle you need to consider, other elements to think about include is money. Owning a pet isn't cheap, as it's not just buying your pet that's the expensive part. You'll need to budget for things like insurance, neutering, microchipping, vaccinations, food, toys and unexpected vet bills. Some pets can only cost a couple of hundred pounds per year; however others can be upwards of a few thousand. Therefore it's essential to think ahead of what you can afford to spend on your pet before you buy them.


It's also important to use a reputable breeder if you want to buy a pedigree dog or cat, recommend Blue Cross. Make sure to ask the breeder for all the official paperwork, especially health screening certificates and written medical history.


Try to avoid buying your pet from an online breeder, especially those who offer many different breeds of pets. There's a good chance they could be puppy farms or have no real concern when it comes to the wellbeing of the pets they are selling.



Last but not least, it is vital to wave goodbye to any preconceived ideas you have about a pet before you buy, says Blue Cross. It's important to remember that every pet has its personality, with most dogs having strong traits dependent on their breed. For example, although you might wrinkle your nose at owning a rat, they making fantastic pets. Not only do rats love social interaction, but they also make far better pets in comparison to hamsters or chinchillas. Hamsters and Chinchillas are nocturnal, meaning when your children want to play, they'll be asleep.